Concerns As More Investors Choose Oil And Gas Projects

A report from the sustainable finance charity, Mindful Money, found that investment in the fossil fuel industry for the financial year ended in September 2022 has nearly doubled over that year and grown its core businesses by a substantial 80%. KiwiSaver and other retail investment funds were found to be…

Tax Break for Long-Term Rental Investors

Housing minister, Megan Woods, has announced a change in rental housing policy that will allow landlords to enjoy tax breaks if they meet a certain criterion designed to promote access to affordable long-term rentals for kiwis. Landlords that own 20-plus units in one development and that offer tenancy agreements of…

Kiwis Investing More Despite Volatile Economic Times

In a new report from the Financial Services Council (FSC) titled “Money and You: Investing in Volatile Times”, it has been found that there is a growing number of New Zealanders that are choosing to invest in financial products. About 4 in 5 Kiwis were found to be doing so,…

Inflation Hits Highest Level in Three Decades

A report by Statistics New Zealand has found that the consumer price index (CPI) has risen 7.3% in the second quarter of the year, up from 6.9% in the first quarter. This is the fastest increase on record since June 1990 when the CPI rose by 7.6%. The CPI rose…

Westpac NZ Records $1.01B Profit as Its Share Value Tanks

November 1 was a mixed bag of results for Westpac that announced it had made an annual profit of $1.01 billion over the last year ending in September 2021. This profit was a 56% increase on that of the previous year, a margin higher than the 39% increase recorded by…

Accountants for Zero Emissions

The impacts of climate change are affecting the world already and is expected to worsen if not combated. As a result, many companies have started looking to turn green. Although initially it can be confusing where to start, accounting bodies are following suit. Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA…

Call To Tax Protein And Dairy

The production of meat and dairy is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gases (GHGs), responsible for 20-50% of all manufactured GHGs. New Zealand is one of the many countries called upon to introduce a tax on meat and dairy. This is in hopes that it will effectively lower…